Multicultural Inclusiveness


Each year, our Multicultural Team provides education and fun programs that encourage families and teachers to celebrate the cultural diversity at our campus and for parents to make a difference by getting involved at our school and in PTA.


It is our philosophy that everyone has a unique heritage to share so our programs are designed to be inclusive of ALL students and families, not just those who are from outside the U.S.





Did you know that Stinson is one of the most culturally diverse schools in the State of Texas? Studies indicate that students who attend schools with a diverse population develop an understanding for different cultures and learn to function in a multicultural, multiethnic environment when they get older.  Studies have also shown that children do better and are proud to see their parents involved at the school.


Together, we hope to demonstrate to our kids how to respect and appreciate differences, how to learn from one another and how to work together to strengthen our community.  






For questions, contact:

Multicultural Chair



We are so thankful to our community partners for their generosity!